EU Golden Visa Programs: Ending or Changing? What You Need to Know in 2024

For years, wealthy individuals have flocked to Europe seeking a coveted “golden visa.” These programs offered residency, and sometimes even citizenship, in exchange for substantial investments. But the tides are turning. The European Union (EU) is cracking down on golden visas, citing concerns about security, money laundering, and inflated housing markets.

Why the Crackdown?

The EU has grown increasingly wary of the potential downsides of golden visas. Here are some of the key concerns:

  • Security Risks: Golden visas can be a backdoor for individuals with questionable backgrounds to gain access to the EU. The recent war in Ukraine further highlighted these concerns.
  • Money Laundering: Large, unexplained investments can be a red flag for money laundering. Critics argue that golden visa programs haven’t done enough to prevent criminals from exploiting the system.
  • Housing Market Woes: In some countries, golden visa programs have fueled a surge in property prices, making it difficult for locals to afford housing.

The Phasing Out of Golden Visas

Several EU countries have already taken steps to dismantle their golden visa programs:

  • Portugal: Scrapped the real estate investment option for golden visas in October 2023.
  • Ireland: Completely axed its golden visa program in February 2023.
  • Netherlands: Ended its program in January 2024.
  • Spain: While not officially terminated, Spain has significantly tightened its program’s requirements

The European Parliament has also called for a full phase-out of golden passport schemes by 2025, with stricter regulations for remaining golden visa programs.

What Does This Mean for Investors?

The future of golden visas in the EU is uncertain. For those considering this route, it’s crucial to research the specific program’s status and be prepared for potentially stricter requirements and higher investment thresholds.

Looking Ahead

The EU’s crackdown on golden visas reflects a shift in priorities. Security and fair economic practices are taking precedence over attracting wealthy investors through potentially risky programs. While this may limit opportunities for some, it could also lead to a more secure and stable EU for all.


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